Good Morning 5-31-22

What about the women? That seems to have been a battle cry since I was a girl. I missed First Wave Feminism that existed in the early twentieth century, securing women’s rights to vote. I lived through Second Wave Feminism and the bra-burning bunch. I’ve seen the fight for equal pay which, when you dig into it, is a bit more nuanced and less of a disparity than is presented. There was Betty Friedan and her book “The Feminine Mystique” and Marabel Morgan and her book “The Total Woman” which, if I’m not mistaken, I threw into the lake back … Continue reading Good Morning 5-31-22

Good Morning 5-30-22

The countdown is on. Kids throughout the U.S. are counting down the days until summer. For those whose freedom has arrived and school is out, they are already counting down the days until school starts again. Families are counting down the days until vacation. We countdown rocket launches, the number of days to the installation of a new program at work, the number of days until we can close on the new house, and the minutes left on New Year’s Eve. We don’t count up. We count down. Why? Because we are moving to a fixed moment in time. Our … Continue reading Good Morning 5-30-22

Good Morning 5-29-22

This week we begin B’midbar. That’s the actual name of the book of Numbers. We call it “Numbers” because there’s a whole lot of counting going on in this book. Seems every other chapter has Moses lining up the tribes and counting noses. Some Rabbinic texts refer to it as “Seifer Ha-P’kudim” which means “The Book of the Census.” The actual name of the book and the name of the first portion in the book, however, is as with all the other books and portions of Torah, taken from the first significant word in the opening verses. In this instance … Continue reading Good Morning 5-29-22

Good Morning 5-27-22

Have you ever looked at the warning labels on some of the products you buy? I mean, have you ever really looked at them? A folding baby stroller comes with the warning to “REMOVE CHILD BEFORE FOLDING.” In case you were confused and wanted to hold up a Chipotle delivery truck, it comes with the warning, “DRIVERS DO NOT CARRY BURRITOS.” An electric drill comes with the warning that “THIS PRODUCT NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS A DENTAL DRILL.” Does this mean someone actually tried that? A warning on a jet ski tells the user to “NEVER USE A LIT … Continue reading Good Morning 5-27-22

Good Morning 5-26-22

Let the punishment fit the crime. That’s the philosophy to which we adhere. Park illegally? Small fine. Exceed the speed limit? Larger fine that grows depending on how fast you are going. Get caught doing illegal drugs? Perhaps some jail time. Get caught dealing drugs? Stiffer penalties. Burglary can escalate to armed robbery and prison time increases with the severity of the action. The nature of the punishment tells you the seriousness of the crime. My sister spent over thirty years in law enforcement, most of it at a federal level. As a federal probation officer one of her duties … Continue reading Good Morning 5-26-22

Good Morning 5-25-22

Rather incredibly the story of Cain and Abel is tied up in the blessings and curses of B’hukkotai in that what we do and how we manifest our relationship with the Almighty involves sacrifice. One can’t deny that life is about sacrifice, specifically choosing the sacrifice that will please God. Whether you believe in His existence or not, the way you live your life, the sacrifices you make for the greater good—your own and others—can cause a positive ripple in your life. That’s what the story in Genesis 4 is all about. Abel, for his part chose the best he … Continue reading Good Morning 5-25-22

Good Morning 5-24-22

It’s spring and according to all my friends and relatives who work in schools, the kids know it. They are rambunctious and eager to be let loose for summer. Frankly, the teachers and others working in the schools are just as ready for school to be over as the children. These closing days of school include wrapping up of lessons, field days, and wasted time looking out the window. It’s also time for graduations. Gone are the days when our mailbox was filled with invitations to graduation parties, grand events for high schoolers held in homes and refurbished garages, yards … Continue reading Good Morning 5-24-22

Good Morning 5-23-22

“Pain is Inevitable, but Misery is Optional, So Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy” is the title of a book published in 1987 by Barbara Johnson. Her quest for happiness showed itself in other books she wrote including “Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death,” “Splashes of Joy in the Cesspool of Life,” and “Pack Up Your Gloomies in a Great Big Box and Then Sit on the Lid and Laugh.” A sort of lesser known Erma Bombeck, Johnson was no stranger to tragedy and difficulty. She nearly lost her husband in a debilitating car accident that nearly … Continue reading Good Morning 5-23-22

Good Morning 5-22-22

Gratitude is a good way to start the week. I am grateful for having seen two of grandsons play ball three times this week and the privilege of seeing another play today in a different city. I’m grateful for the rain of the past week. It has awakened the seeds I planted. Tiny sprouts of lettuce, chard, and radish have appeared. I’m grateful that between the rain and the sun, the blossoming flowers and trees have been magnificent. The gorgeous daffodils that seem to stand in nearly every yard, the deep pink of the crabapple trees in our neighbor’s yard … Continue reading Good Morning 5-22-22

Good Morning 5-20-22

The end of B’har presents an interesting contrast to what comes before it. Chapter 25 is all about the laws of Shemittah, the importance of letting the ground lie fallow in the seventh year and trusting God that the harvest of the sixth year will be sufficient to feed the people Israel in the seventh, eighth, and into the ninth year. The chapter includes information on how to treat a slave, what happens that might cause you to sell yourself to another to care for debt, and who is responsible for the redemption of one who finds themselves indentured to … Continue reading Good Morning 5-20-22